Come see your favorite bars/restaurants go head-to-head in the first annual Kings’ Cup Cocktail Contest at the Kings’ Shops. Teams of two, representing their respective bars, will first be challenged by the clock in a ‘Speed’ round! Once all scores are recorded by our panel of judges, we’ll move to Round 2.
In Round 2 the teams will present their favorite Kuleana Rum cocktail to the audience and judges. Following their presentation, teams will give samples of their drink to the audience to gain your support. They’ll need that support for their final opportunity to gain points to win ‘The Kings’ Cup’.
We’ll ask YOU, the audience, to vote for your favorite cocktail from all the participants. Once all cocktails are complete, we will tally all scores and crown the first-ever Kings’ Cup Champion!
Join us for a cocktail as we kick off the 1st Annual Kings’ Cup Cocktail Contest all while celebrating Lei Day!